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CARNIVAL AROUND THE WORLD   The carnival is a celebration that takes place immediately before the Christian Lent (which begins with Ash Wednesday), and has a variable date (between February and March depending on the year). Traditionally, it starts on a Thursday (Thursday, Thursday) and ends on the following Tuesday (Tuesday of Carnival). The carnival combines elements such as costumes, groups that sing couplets, parades and street parties. Despite the differences that its celebration presents in the world, its common characteristic is that of being a period of permissiveness and a certain lack of control. In its beginnings, probably with a certain sense of modesty proper to religion, the Carnival was a parade in which the participants wore costumes and wore masks. However, the custom was transforming the celebration to its current form. Carnival is one of the most important and fun celebrations around the world! Everyone plays in a way that entertains and captures b
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St. Valentine's day

St. Valentine's day   Valentine's Day, or simply Valentine's Day, is a festival of Christian origin that is celebrated annually on February 14 as a commemoration of good works performed by St. Valentine of Rome that are related to the universal concept of love and affectivity . Originated by the Catholic Church as a counterweight to the pagan festivities that took place in the Roman Empire, it is also one of the first festivals that meant the expansion of Christianity throughout Roman Euraphrasia, the festival itself is known as a significant cultural event since the religious by the grace to Valentin and from the layman to relate to the feelings of love and friendship. L et's make a comparison between Ecuador, South Korea and Wales to have a better idea about how Valentine's Day is celebrated in the world . ECUADOR  The truth is that in Ecuador people are not very precise, we can not use the word cheesy in this country, because they do n

Countries: Ecuador, Scotland and Italy

  ECUADOR Ecuador... In Ecuador we carry the traditions in a spectacular way both religiously, spiritually and socially, we are well known for being an Andean country, we could say that we are the center of the world and not only because they are located geographically Here you can find a little of everything in the world from people who are originally from the other side of the world to species that are often only found in one place because of our great diversity in flora and fauna and, why not, the people who live in this country of great folklore.   TRADITIONAL CUSTOMS AND TYPICAL FOOD Here there is not a typical costume as in other parts because we are a country that as it was said in the introduction is diverse in ways that many do not even imagine, an example of this is in the clothing since here first it is ruled in the region of the country . Being Costa, Sierra, Amazonia and the jewel in the crown of the Insular region.   Then let's talk abou