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Countries: Ecuador, Scotland and Italy

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In Ecuador we carry the traditions in a spectacular way both religiously, spiritually and socially, we are well known for being an Andean country, we could say that we are the center of the world and not only because they are located geographically Here you can find a little of everything in the world from people who are originally from the other side of the world to species that are often only found in one place because of our great diversity in flora and fauna and, why not, the people who live in this country of great folklore.

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Here there is not a typical costume as in other parts because we are a country that as it was said in the introduction is diverse in ways that many do not even imagine, an example of this is in the clothing since here first it is ruled in the region of the country .
Being Costa, Sierra, Amazonia and the jewel in the crown of the Insular region.
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Then let's talk about the Costa region:

 Home of a rich culture and tradition, these unique characteristics are also reflected in their typical clothing, which today remains in force among some residents. Generally in the coast, the dress is varied and showy, its style usually changes depending on the province, but always keeping common features such as colors and ornaments.On the Ecuadorian coast, the dresses are cheerful and alive. Men often wear white and the woman wears little long dresses of patterned fabric or plain of very subtle colors with matching necklaces and earrings. It is also usually fresh clothes, comfortable fabrics by the heat of the region.These typical garments were worn by men and women from each town settled on the Litoral; according to the history that has passed from generation to generation, the oldest known suits correspond to the time of the aborigines who were dedicated to fishing, hunting and growing corn, but they were also excellent craftsmen able to create these garments which are true gems of the art of clothing.

The most representative here are:

Afro-Ecuadorian clothes
  • Women: They wear a kilt and a naked torso or shirt. For parties, they paint their faces and wear necklaces and handles. 
  •  Man: You saw a mob and occasionally pants under it.  

Tsáchilas Clothing
  • The dress of the Tsáchilas, is simple and light. The long hair, in addition to the neck is attached to the ribbons that make it fall towards the front tied and fastened in the front with a safety pin like a helmet or visor, modeled with achiote, leaving the hair red.
 Clothing of the Montubio people
  • In the montubio town (covers the provinces of Manabí, Los Ríos, Guayas and Santa Elena) they stand out for their hats (cowboy style) and usually carry machetes, sometimes they wear rubber boots but this element is not necessarily associated with them.
 Cholo fisherman's dress
  • In the part of the south coast (Puerto López, Montecristi and Manta), the cholo fisherman uses the straw hat and the gathered pants, elements that help him in his daily work.
 Guayabera guayaquileña
  • The guayabera remains as a sign of distinction and has come ahead against other fashions. It is distinguished by its festoons side and side, its 22 buttons and 4 pockets, both above and below. It is said that at first, peasant harvesters used it for their large pockets to keep their guayaba shirts, but over time it became a garment -at least in Guayaquil- in current use. 
The coastal menu is linked to the products of the sea. It has to do with the diversity of seafood products such as fish, shrimp, shells, octopus, lobsters, etc.The coconut is used as a dressing, and with the different types of bananas are prepared and complemented several of the typical dishes of the Ecuadorian coast.In most beaches and coastal towns, especially in the province of Esmeraldas, fish and shellfish are served in the form of encocado, that is, seasoned and seasoned with coconut. Fried coconut flakes are also served. Another characteristic dish of this region is the Tigrillo, which includes green plantain cooked and shredded in a pan, mixed with egg and cheese. The soup and the seafood rice combine a great variety of seafood and are very popular with tourists. Melloco, on the other hand, with roasted plantain, cooked or fried and peanuts, is served with hot coffee as well as cheese empanadas made with ripe banana.Another of the best known coastal dishes is the ceviche, including fish tanned in lemon, salt, pepper, onion, tomato, oil and parsley. The shrimp ceviche is previously cooked and tomato sauce is added. As for the ball of green, it is a symbol of the coastal breakfast; It is prepared with green plantain, salt, lard, cheese and pork rind, made with this dough and served with coffee.One of the most consumed soups on the coast is the sancocho, it has beef breast, yucca, corn and green. Among other outstanding dishes is the lentil or bean stew with patacones (cooked bananas, kneaded and fried) and roasted meat.In addition, there is a large amount of native fruits on the coast such as: guavas, guavas, ovos, cocoa, papaya, lucuma, avocado, tuna, sweet cherry, orange, melon, pineapple, coconut, mango and tamarind, which complement these delicious dishes in desserts and juices.


Los otavalos

For special occasions, women wear a very elegant suit composed of a long shirt of white fabric, decorated at the chest with hand-embroidered figures, taking as a reference floral motifs of different colors.
These anacos are pieces of cloth of rectangular shape that simulates a skirt and it is held with a ribbon called chumbicomo, they are placed one on the other that usually is of bigger size and its color is red.

For their part, the indigenous men in their clothing use simpler things, formed by a hat made of cloth that reveals their long hair woven in a braid as an attribute to their indigenous identity.
His pants are usually white short, accompanied by a simple shirt, almost always white because sometimes their colors vary.
The wool ponchos use it to protect themselves from the inclement weather when there are waves of cold and heat, preferably they are designed in dark blue and white espadrilles.

Los kayambis

Like the zuletas they keep their native costumes, composed by a hat and pochos of red colors, the traditional white trousers, the espadrilles and ribbons in their hair.

Los salasacas

The women are engaged in making clothing through looms, with wool materials, entirely handmade, except for one-piece dresses, known as cushma.

Men, on the other hand, dedicate themselves to the craft of weaving and dyeing garments. His clothing is composed of wool shirt and pants in white, wide-brimmed hats and traditional espadrilles.



El mote pillo it is a classic recipe of the Ecuadorian Sierra, typical of Cuenca. It consists of peeled and cooked mote or corn that is fried with white onion, garlic, achiote, eggs, milk, chives and cilantro or parsley.


They are also one of the most typical dishes in Ecuadorian cuisine. It's basically a corn tamale mixed with meat or vegetables and cooked inside a banana leaf.


It is one of the most exotic dishes of Ecuadorian cuisine, and probably one of the best known abroad. I refer to the "guinea pig", a small rodent that once without hair and without guts is roasted and seasoned with salt, garlic and cumin.


Los llapingachos are a typical dish of the central Andean region of Ecuador and southern Colombia. They are fried tortillas made with cooked potatoes crushed and stuffed with cheese. They are usually served with chorizo, peanut sauce and fried egg.


La fanesca is a typical soup of Ecuadorian cuisine, traditionally served in the period of Holy Week (and even a week before). Its preparation is with grains.



Amazonian Kichwa

The Kichwa are settled in the upper area of ​​the Napo province, Sucumbíos. Their original dress was made by themselves.It consisted of the woman in a skirt made with lanchama, pita. In the men in a leather pants of deer up to the ankles, and they did not wear footwear.Currently and by influence of young people who come to study in nearby cities, only 10% of the tribe uses this clothing.Resultado de imagen para kichwa


They also inhabit Sucumbíos, occupying four cantons. His clothing has varied due to external influences.They wore a colorful cushma or nightgown. Both men and women wear large numbers of colored necklaces.On some special occasions they wear a jaguar tooth necklace. They wore crowns of feathers, pierced their noses and ears and painted their faces with achiote.Resultado de imagen para cofan


Also called sabela, ahuishiri, auca or huao. This town conserves its isolation and lives naked.All his clothes consist for the man in a cord at the waist that keeps his virile member tied up. And in the woman a garment tied to the waist made with tree bark.
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Indigenous groups have a typical cuisine, characterized by the use of available resources of hunting and fishing and products of the area, such as cassava, varieties of fish, guanta and guatuza meat, preparations of monkey and lizard are the basis of a meal nutritious and tasty, which is accompanied with chicha de yuca.


Are the chonta palm worms which are put on a skewer and roasted with salt, are very desirable for its flavor and its healing properties for respiratory problems.


It is a typical drink of the indigenous nationalities, with the pulp of the yucca or fermented chonta.


This dish consists of fish wrapped in bijao leaves, and marinated with species from the jungle, it is grilled for about half an hour and served with plenty of cassava and cooked plantain.


Decorations are added at the bottom by colorful ribbons that add a touch to the neutral color of the skirt. The second piece consists of a garment that is usually white, persimmon or pure gray in some cases.The sleeves are usually long and sometimes have a neckline that highlights the bust of the woman. On this garment is placed a multicolored mantle that is very Andean.Jewelry and accessories are very important too, they use a hat, necklaces and hoops.The style, decorations and accessories that make up the clothing, highlight the natural beauty of the woman residing in the Galapagos Islands, which turns these garments into cultural heritage.The man consists of a typical dress typical of the region consisting of black pants and a shirt of indistinct color with details that make it stand out from the rest.It also uses a very striking poncho with colors that represent the first inhabitants of the Ecuadorian lands. Like women, they also usually wear a properly masculine hat.The clothing worn in the Galapagos Islands, and other regions of Ecuador, represents part of the great culture of an entire population.This seeks to establish a great presence of its roots in every expression, to make itself known to the rest of the world.
Rondón or Run down
It is the typical dish of the region par excellence. It is a kind of stew or soup that is cooked in a base of coconut milk.
To this base are added fish, snails, yams, cassava, green plantains, pork tail and flour tortillas, and seasoned with different spices.

Platos típicos de la región insular 
Crab soupIt is a delicacy for the exotic of its ingredients. It is also considered a powerful aphrodisiac.
It is prepared with black and red crabs, which are cooked with pork tail, potatoes, yams, flour tortillas and spices.

Platos típicos de la región insular
Crab or fish balls or meatballs
It is a very popular dish in the region. It is prepared with fish, crab or lobster meat.
It is seasoned with eggs, breadcrumbs, different vegetables and spices. Then the small balls are made and fried in very hot oil.

Platos típicos de la región insular


Festival of the Inti Raymi

The summer solstice is celebrated to thank the god Inti (Sun) for the abundance in the crops and the Pachamama (Mother Earth) for caring for and blessing crops. Held on June 21 in almost all the indigenous populations of the mountains. The most recognized are registered in the provinces of Imbabura, Cotopaxi, Tungurahua, Cañar, Azuay and Loja. The popular festival of Inti Raymi is characterized by having dancers wearing their heads decorated with mirrors, sequins and feathers; or in the path of Aya Huma (diabluma or devil huma) this character can spin very close to you, with his mask of two fronts.
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La Mama Negra

It is in Latacunga, province of Cotopaxi, where the Black Mama, known as Santisima Tragedia, shows the indigenous, Spanish and African cultures of Ecuador. A magical ceremony that reveals the life of different peoples conceived in their miscegenation. The neighbors of this place also pay homage to the Virgen de la Merced as a demonstration of gratitude for the favors granted. It takes place first in the month of September, as a festival of devotees and the second date is held in the first week of November, after the anniversary of independence or political party of Latacunga.
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In addition, because is the end of the year: 
The burning of the old year in Ecuador, a tradition full of emotion and mischiefThe burning of the Old Year in Ecuador is a tradition that is celebrated with all the hullabaloo. It is a great party full of creativity, humor, mischief and a lot of emotion. This party can be enjoyed on the last holiday of the year (Saturday 30, Sunday 31 December, and January 1, 2018).
The objective is to say goodbye to the year that ends up burning with the puppet all the bad things that could happen and hoping that the new year arrives full of positive energies, to achieve personal and professional successes.
The burning of the Old Year (figurine, made with paper, old clothes and decorated with a mask) "is the way to close cycles; it is the way that the human being has to start the new year ".


It is the northernmost of the four constituent nations of the United Kingdom. Along with England and Wales, it is part of the island of Great Britain, covering a third of its total area; It also has more than 790 islands. It limits to the north and west with the Atlantic Ocean; to the east with the North Sea, to the south with England and to the southwest with the North Channel and the Irish Sea. The Scottish territory covers 78 772 km², and its population is estimated at 5 347 600 inhabitants in 2014.1 which gives a population density of 67.9 inhabitants per km². The capital is Edinburgh, while Glasgow is the largest city, and its metropolitan area concentrates 40% of the total Scottish population.


Undoubtedly, the kilt or kilt is the typical costume of Scotland, it is a skirt made on the basis of tartan, a type of fabric of Scottish origin. The colors of the skirt represented the clan that belonged. It is a cloth cloth with folds, which should show off perfectly. The men are the ones who wear it and put it around the waist, with the folds that look in the back and the ends cross in front, They are fastened with a hook or snap.
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The gastronomy in Scotland

The gastronomy in Scotland is recognized for being very varied, since they have a great variety of crops which can be combined with both meat and fish. Scotland's climate facilitates the production of a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. The Scottish coast benefits from this excellent climate for growing berries and has high quality strawberries and berries.Thanks to all the products that Scotland has, it is very easy to prepare such delicious dishes as the following:Haggis: It is one of the most typical dishes of Edinburgh's cuisine. It is truly delicious made with lamb, flour and oats and herbs. It is cooked over a very slow heat and is usually accompanied by salad or mashed potatoes.

Scotch Broth: This species of soup made from stewed lamb or beef is undoubtedly one of the specialties of this country. It is a strong but essential to try if you travel to Edinburgh.
scoth brott 
Fish and Chips: It is a typical dish of Edinburgh and also of the United Kingdom in general. The dish consists of fried cod accompanied with the classic French fries.

fishnchips en el resturante 
It is necessary to emphasize the great variety of gastronomic products that the Scottish field produces, product of the climate. Due to the rain, the vegetables are very organic and fresh and the meat of all the animals is excellent, especially the beef that is considered the best beef in the world and has conquered countries as meat lovers as Argentina and the United States. United.


Hogmanay celebrations in Scotland

Curiously, the Scottish end of the year is celebrated even more than Christmas, which, after the Protestant Reformation, was not celebrated for centuries, and was not a holiday until 1958.The Hogmanay, however, is enjoyed with two holidays, on January 1 and 2.On December 31, the flames burst into the cold to ward off the evil spirits of the year and to release January with renewed enthusiasm. The Hogmanay tastes of outdoor shows, ceilidh, traditions, whiskey ... and lots of magic!

The Hogmanay of Edinburgh

The biggest celebration of New Year's Eve in Scotland is the Edinburgh Hogmanay, a spectacular three-day party that gathers more than 100,000 participants including concerts, torch parades, dances ...If you will spend the New Year in Edinburgh, follow the link and we will tell you much more! Hogmanay, el fin de año en Edimburgo

The Stonehaven fireball festival

However, many other Scottish cities, such as Aberdeen, Glasgow and Stirling, are betting on their own celebration of Hogmanay.Among all of them, one of the most special traditions is the Stonehaven Fireball Festival, a small town near Dunnottar Castle and Aberdeen.Auld Lang Syne, the New Year's songThe most famous tradition of New Year's Eve in Scotland takes the form of music. When the midnight of December 31 gives way to the first day of the new year, those present at the Hogmanay celebrations in Scotland shake hands and sing the year-end song par excellence.

Tradiciones de Hogmanay Nochevieja en Escocia Mas Edimburgo 2

Auld Lang Syne.

Auld Lang Syne ('For the old days', or 'A long time ago') is a traditional song based on a poem written in 1788 by the Scottish poet Robert Burns, who in turn collected some verses from a popular poem.It is sung mostly during New Year's Eve in the Anglo-Saxon cities, from London to New York, but also on other solemn occasions, as funerals, since it symbolizes the past, changes and farewells, and the beginning of new stages.


It is a sovereign country member of the European Union. It is a bicontinental country; its territory is in Southern Europe and it has several islands in North Africa; In the north it is bordered by the Alps, where it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. The independent states of San Marino and Vatican City are enclaves within Italian territory. In turn, Campione d'Italia is an Italian municipality that forms a small enclave in Swiss territory. It is the third country in the European Union that receives the most tourists per year, with Rome being the third most visited city.7 Other important cities are Milan, center of finance and industry, and, according to the Global Language Monitor, the capital of Fashion, 8 Turin, center of the automotive industry and industrial design. Italy is a democratic republic, it is part of the G7 or group of the eight most industrialized nations of the world and it is a developed country with a high quality of life, being in 2005 among the first eight in the world.


Typical costume of the Italian man

The Italian clothing worn by the man denotes comfort and serenity, for this reason he wears a completely black trousers that will be covered almost to the knees by white socks.
It is accompanied by a vest, inside a white shirt and a tie of the same color of the belt that will go in the waist, between the union of the shirt and the trousers. Moccasin-type shoes are also important in this typical Italian costume.

Traje típico del hombre italiano 

Typical costume of the Italian woman

The typical Italian clothes that the woman wears show elegance. It consists of a skirt with pleats that is lifted internally by a petticoat. The skirt is surrounded by ribbons at the ends and below it, white stockings that cover from the feet to the knees.

In the upper part, she wears a short sleeved blouse that shrinks at the ends and, above it, a corset fitted with suspenders. The shoes are classic loafers.

The cuisine of northern Italy

LasagnaThe cuisine of northern Italy is characterized by using more soups, cooked pasta and meats boiled in wine and butter and less olive oil, tomato and dry pasta. In the north of Italy it has as typical dishes the carpaccio, the vitello tonnato or vitel tonné and the crocchette di patate, in addition to the risotto. On the other hand, among its outstanding sauces is the pesto or the Bolognese.Carpaccio: This dish consists of slices of raw meat or fish macerated with lemon juice, olive oil or cheese.Rissotto: This typical Italian food is based on rice and cheese, however there are different types of risottos with different ingredients that are incorporated into rice.
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The cuisine of southern Italy

Genovese bread with olivesThe cuisine of southern Italy is characterized by simple dishes, which have among their main ingredients olive oil and vegetables and vegetables typical of the area. The most consumed pasta dishes in this part of Italy are the popular pizzas, in addition to spaghetti and macaroni.Pizza: The pizza consists of a mass of bread of generally round shape covered with tomato sauce and other ingredients such as cheese, ham, mushrooms, olives and others.Macaroni: Macaroni is a paste made from water, wheat flour and sometimes egg. This pasta is usually accompanied with different types of sauces and cheese.
Pan genovés con aceitunas

The kitchen in Sicily and Sardinia

The PiadinaThe Sicilian gastronomy presents typical Mediterranean dishes among which you can find excellent pasta and fish recipes of great quality. If you visit this island you can not fail to try some delicious dishes such as rice balls breaded with peas, meat, cheese or macaroni with "raggout", a tasty sauce made with minced meat.In Sardinia there are many traditional preparations of the island and different dishes reminiscent of Catalan cuisine, as is the case of the fabada, known in Sardinia as "favata".
La Piadina

The cuisine of central Italy

La Bistecca alla fiorentina is a typical food from the center of Italy.

The cuisine of central Italy is characterized by ingredients such as olive oil, pecorino, legumes, and sausages, as well as the most consumed meats in this area of ​​Italy with chicken, lamb, pork, kid, rabbit , the boar and so on. Among the most outstanding dishes of the center of Italy are Bistecca alla fiorentina, Zuppa di farro, Pollo in potacchio, Mazzarelle, among others.Bistecca alla fiorentina: This famous dish from Italy consists of a grilled veal chop. This dish very typical of the city of Florence and the Tuscany region.Mazzarelle: The mazzarelle is lamb's tripe wrapped in endive leaves tied with lamb intestines.
 La Bistecca alla fiorentina es una comida típica del centro de Italia.


The Feast of the Sensa

The Feast of the Sensa (of the Veneto, "Ascension") is a festival of Venice celebrated on the day of the Ascension. It was the most important festival of the Republic of Venice and had its origin in the commemoration of the conquest of Dalmatia around the year 1000 by the dux Pietro II Orseolo.

The Feast of the Republic

The Feast of the Republic (in Italian, Festa della Repubblica), is the national holiday celebrated on June 2 in Italy, and commemorates the constitutional referendum of 1946, when (by universal suffrage) Italian citizens were called to decide which form of government (monarchy or republic) they wanted for their country after the Second World War and the fall of Fascism. The party of the Republic, unlike May 1 (Workers' Day) or April 25 ( Fiesta de la Liberación), is the only national holiday in Italy, because on this date the birth of the republic is celebrated. 
Festa della republica 2005 con frecce tricolori.jpg

The Carnival of Viareggio

The Carnival of Viareggio, in Italy, every year, celebrates the splendor of a whole month of day and night parties, with parades of spectacular constructions, parties in the neighborhoods, and costume dances and different types of events.
The 2001 has represented an unforgettable date in the history of the Carnival of Viareggio, with the inauguration of the Citadel of Carnival, a multifunctional complex of great architectural beauty, which houses the modern laboratories for the construction of floats, the papier-mache school , in addition to a large amphitheater that allows the representation in the summer of the event under the stars in the Citadel, entertainment shows, concerts and cultural events.


Compare these three beauties of countries is great! not only for knowledge but also to understand the diversity of which the world in general is composed.
These are examples that each pía has something special something that differentiates it from the others in a big way because of the variety of each one in complement with its people that is what makes everyone special, creating and following the traditions of their native country; This would not be carried out in the best way if people did not respect but to date they have managed to keep alive the patriotic spirit of each one of us.


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