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Many times we celebrate Christmas without knowing its true meaning of this Christian celebration. We are in one of the most exciting times of the year of the meaning of Christianity, the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. However, in recent times, the Christmas holidays have taken on a more commercial and less religious significance.
Which is very similar in all parts of the world, because for example in Ecuador has become a subject that only represents material things as gifts or money and you do not see this celebration as a time to spend as a family.
In other countries such as Italy and Norway it is similar YES! only that their customs, education and respect make it a more enjoyable celebration and be celebrated in the best way possible without the need for material assets.


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Parties in communities

This can be seen around the whole of Ecuador, because in rural as well as urban areas there are neighborhood or parochial organizations that do without a number of acts to entertain and entertain their people.
As a Christmas tradition, it carries out countless programs in the communities of the rural area of the Province that seeks to entertain the children and families of communities regardless of whether they are sectors with a small population, since the purpose is to reach where no one has arrived before.

Popular games are performed, delivery of canguil, cotton candy, cake, the game of inflatable, clown show, delivery of salt covers, parents, candy covers and clothing are part of the itinerary of Christmas feasts.


Eat turkey at the Christmas Eve dinner
This is something practically done all over the world, although there are certain places where they are not done, but it is just that on December 24th at twelve o'clock the night when the whole family is reunited, a traditional dinner is shared, with Stuffed turkey and wine.

The dinner starts at 00:00 with a "Merry Christmas", without missing the hugs between family and friends. Then come the gifts for the children usually put on the foot of the bed so that the next day upon awakening they open them.


The ninth

The ninth child Jesus opens the way to the celebration of Christmas Eve and Christmas, on December 24 several families gather in their homes to share with their families the Christmas dinner. In the avenues you can see the colorful lights that are cast on the Christmas tree as a symbol of hope and love.


Gift exchange

 It is known as the "secret friend", many Ecuadorians play prior to the date of Christmas. It is a very popular and traditional game in Ecuador, involving several people who give each other gifts without knowing who has been. Alternatively, secret friends can send anonymous letters or small gifts to their corresponding friends, here also the exchange is made giving certain clues of the person who touched each one and the other people must guess.


The Birth or Cribs

The Birth of the baby Jesus is made with moss, stones, earth, water sources to give it a very natural touch and the animals and figures are made of porcelain or the most rustic ones that are made of wood and are precious. Those who represent our country who have the typical costumes of each province.
The Birth of the baby Jesus is made with moss, stones, earth, water sources to give it a very natural touch and the animals and figures are made of porcelain or the most rustic ones that are made of wood and are precious. Those who represent our country who have the typical costumes of each province.

Christmas tree

Every house must have one, it is decorated with light bulbs, gifts, bows, candles, representative figures or lights to light the night. In addition, several cantons of the country, light their giant Christmas tree in a tourist spot of the city, citizens are looking forward to these days to enjoy visiting them and taking pictures with them. This act represents a symbol of the unity and fraternity of the country.

The Mass of the Rooster and the Masses to the Child

On December 25, the Misa del Gallo is celebrated in all the churches. It is the busiest mass of the year and later Masses are held to the Baby Jesus until January 6.
It is popularly called Misa del Gallo, in this way it is received on Christmas day as the commemoration of the birth of Jesus. This Holy Mass is popularly known as the "Mass of the shepherds".

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The clothing of the Ecuadorians in these times is very varied and you do not have a typical dress as in other parts of the world but it was possible to emphasize that the child Jesus tries to dress him with the traditional clothing of each region or province of Ecuador in which is celebrating or it is simply left to the decision of the people of each community because this is not very well respected here.


Due to the varied selection of sound styles of the villages of the region, the carols were fused with other tones that gave life to works with characteristics of the albazo, the sanjuanito, the tonada, the Inca fox, etc. For example, in the case of the chigualos, these are the carols of the montuvios. Through these chants, they talk about the different religious characters of Christmas. Thus, Jesus, Mary or Joseph are introduced in chants set in the Ecuadorian rural reality. In the case of the Afro-Ecuadorian people, and specifically of the province of Esmeraldas, Christmas has been sung in lullabies. Rosa Huila, one of the exponents widely recognized for her Christmas tunes, is one of the voices that have rescued these carols.

For the Dance ... it is about performing the dances of the main rhythms already mentioned above.

Now let's compare our country with Italy and Norway

Christmas in Italy

 For the Italians, Christmas is a party that you have to spend in the company of the family, tasting the dishes of the 'cenone' and opening the gifts of 'Babbo Natale'
"Christmas with yours, Easter with who you want", this motto, well known in Italy, may well explain the importance for the Italians of spending with their families the most important day of the year.

A tradition that Italians (particularly in the south of the country) can not renounce, is to spend next to their loved ones on Christmas Eve, on December 24, when families gather to enjoy the famous "Christmas cenone" , the dinner that precedes midnight.

With this we can realize that Christmas in Italy is mainly governed by Gastronomy in short, without food there is no Christmas in Italy.
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The Befana

Despite not being directly related to Christmas, but to the end of the Christmas period, I really like the tradition of the Befana. This old lady appears on the night of January 5 to 6 to leave, in the socks, sweets for the good children and coal for the bad children. The Befana is an old lady created from ancient urban legends. He wears broken shoes and flies on a broom. Unlike Santa Claus, he is a figure described in a negative way because he comes to take the Christmas festivity instead of being the central protagonist.
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The Holy Child

One of the strongest Italian traditions, is in Rome, and is to pay tribute to the famous "Bambinillo", statue of Santo Niño that is stored in the church of Santa Maria in Ara Coeli located on the highest peak of Monte Capitolino . Thousands of children arrive in long queues who, asking for blessings for their relatives, dedicate their letters and poems to them.
El Santo Niño - Basílica de Santa María en Aracoeli, Roma

Christmas Market in Rome:

The Christmas market in Rome, is a classic Christmas. It is located in Piazza Navona (Mercantino di Natale della Befana). It is characterized by having in the center the image of Befana with stockings full of sweets or black charcoal.
At night, the square presents restaurants, artists, staging, etc. And inside the stalls you will find handicrafts, toys, Christmas decorations, etc.
You can take advantage of the place to visit the Fountain of the Four Rivers, Bernini's work, also the church of San'tAgnese in Agone and the Pamphili Palace, works of the Roman baroque.
Starts approximately on December 6 and ends on January 6.
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Manger Exhibition:

The exhibition is divided into three rooms and presents, around, 200 stalls manufactured by all Italian regions and more than 25 foreign countries. Made by various materials such as wood, silver, ceramics, porcelain, clay, etc.
The event takes place in the Basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo, in the Salon de Bramante in Piazza del Popolo in Rome.
It begins in the fortnight of December and ends in the first weeks of January.
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Christmas decoration in Italy

One of the basic traditions of the Christmas holidays in Italy and the decoration of most homes is the nativity scene, and although it may seem strange, it is not a custom to have a Christmas tree, at least as is common that if they make a kind of base for the nativity that is shaped like a pyramid and that they call "the tree of light".

In houses where the Christmas tree is armed, this is usually natural and placed from December 8 to January 6, which is the day of the Three Kings. The rest of the decoration is traditional, colorful lights, Christmas decorations, figures of snowmen, santa claus, reindeer, etc.
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The Italian "cenone" has its rules, the first of which is to eat exclusively fish. Remember that the menus are not the same in all Italian regions, but there are some typical dishes such as fried vegetables (a Roman tradition), tartines and fish salad, to start with the entries.Speaking of Italy you can not miss a pasta dish, among the most typical are the pasta with tomato sauce and tuna, spaghetti with clams or other seafood.On the 25th you can eat meat. The main course is undoubtedly the baked pasta, a kettledrum with tomato sauce, meat, pieces of mozzarella and parmigiano (cheese) on top. A plate of meat very appreciated is the arrosto, the roasted meat and the roast beef.Both 24 and 25 and the following days, there is no lack of typical Christmas sweets. In Italy it is not Christmas if there are no sweets! The most famous in the whole world is the panettone (Christmas cake), whose traditional version was born in the city of Milan.Over the years have been created different types of both panettone and Pandoro, much like panettone but without canditi (candy).
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It oscillates in a wide spectrum of opera and classical instrumental music and popular music drawn from indigenous and imported sources. Music has traditionally been one of the cultural markers of Italian national and ethnic identity, with an important position in society and politics. Italian innovation in musical scales, harmonies, notation, and theater allowed the development of opera in the sixteenth century and much of modern European classical music, such as symphony and concert.

Finally for more compresion vatch this video:

Christmas in Norwey

Norwegian Christmas is full of traditions and pleasant ceremonies, some of them reminiscent of ancient superstitions. We spent several consecutive days in close coexistence with family and friends of all generations, and we took the necessary time to show affection and interest.
In the ancient tradition, Christmas was part of the pagan winter solstice festival, a celebration of the light that marked the passage from the darkness of winter to the spring and summer. Christmas was the celebration of the harvest, of fecundity, of the vital force.

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December 23, the "little Christmas Eve"

Decorated with Santa Claus dolls, angels, hearts, pines with pinecones, stars
Many families have their own traditions for tonight, such as decorating the Christmas tree or making a gingerbread house. Many eat rice pudding with sugar, cinnamon and butter. Almonds are hidden in the dough, and anyone who finds the almond on his plate will win a marzipan pig.
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Christmas Eve, December 24

Christmas is the most important moment of the holidays. The first part of the day is used to rush to buy the latest Christmas gifts or to go to church. Christmas starts at five and most Norwegians have dinner with their families. The Christmas presents have already been placed under the tree, and will be opened at night.
Of course, not all Norwegians celebrate Christmas, but most follow these traditions to a greater or lesser degree. Even many Norwegians of immigrant origin celebrate Christmas in this way, with Norwegian elements in the way of celebrating Christmas. Afterwards, a family night will follow, most of the restaurants and entertainment venues are closed on Christmas Eve, and the streets are quiet.

 Se encienden los abetos y las calles del centro decoradas con adornos navideños

Advent in Oslo

The firs and the streets of the center are lit decorated with Christmas decorations
From the end of November, throughout the city you will find Christmas preparations and stalls. On the first weekend of Advent, the firs and the streets of the center are lit decorated with Christmas decorations. During this period, you will have the possibility to attend a Christmas concert or a Christmas market.

During the advent period, it is usual for companies, businesses and groups of friends to celebrate a julebord, a holiday before Christmas with Christmas products. The streets of the city bustle with people during the weekends, it is the moment when the restaurants and places of leisure of the city are filled with people celebrating julebord.

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Christmas decorations

Before Christmas, the houses are decorated with Santa Claus dolls, angels, hearts, pine trees with pineapples, stars and perhaps a nativity scene or cookie house. There are many who decorate their houses on the outside with lights and garlands. It is usual to put a Christmas tree in the room. The tree will carry a star on top and will be decorated with tinsel and other Christmas decorations.

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Christmas dinner in Norway

The Julebord is like Norwegians call Christmas dinners that are celebrated days before December 24 with friends, or co-workers. Many companies have acquired the habit of inviting their main customers and their employees to this traditional Christmas banquet.

The traditional food served in Julebord is: Rice pudding (risengrysgrøt), pork ribs (Ribbe), lamb (pinnekjøtt), sausages (medisterpølse), fish (lutefisk), cod (Juletorsk). It is usually served together with beet, sauerkraut and raspberry sauce. As it is a heavy meal, it is customary to drink beer and aquavitt to water it.
Especially you can say that here you can enjoy fish more.

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The 'julenissen' or Christmas elves are of great importance. The physical description of some of them corresponds to that of "a very small old man with a white beard, dressed in gray with a hat and red socks and clogs." It is very similar to that of 'Joulipukki', the best-known character in Finland. He lives in the town of Rovaniemi and laughs shouting "ho, ho, ho": Santa Claus. Some of these traditions you can enjoy, sound, in one of our radio specials dedicated to Christmas.

In addition to listening to how the Christmas markets sound throughout the entire Nordic geography and recommend some other film set at this time of year, such as 'The Christmas of Pippi Longstocking' or 'Santa Claus conquers the Martians' (work of cult that is not necessary to be lost), in delivery 6 of Hemisphere Boreal you will find, of course, musical Christmas recommendations because its part of Norwey too.


In conclusion Christmas is different and similar to the clear time every place in the world has its customs that have been passed down from generation to generation and in Ecuador, Italy and Norway is something so special because in their own way they capture the spirit of CHRISTMAS.


Realized By:  Bryan Villamar 2º "C"



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