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Traditional Parties of Quito

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The Traditional Parties of Quito (celebrations of Quito) is a weeklong period from the end of November to the 6th of December celebrating the foundation of Quito. During this period, bullfighting at the Plaza de Toros, flamenco dancing, opera and theater shows are presented. Parades that present the new Reina de Quito, marching school war bands, and other events can be enjoyed. In addition to celebrating the founding of Quito, some neighborhoods celebrate their favorite saint and for processions and block parties with live music and bands. People can also take a ride around the city on a Chiva, which is an open "party" bus with live bands. Plaza Foch is also a destination for the people because of its vast space with restaurants, bars, clubs, hotels, shops and special events.


In the parties of quito the traditional clothes for a Quito man is a black suit with a white shirt and an unconditional hat of medium or long height, as for women you could say that a white dress is used but nowadays any elegant dress is very well seen.
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The times have passed and now you can see clothes worn by different ethnic groups or fashion in parties of quito as you can see in the following images:

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Resultado de imagen para vestimenta de fiestas quito







The styles shown are very well accepted although there are several more that are popularized year after year.



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This is a contest in which queens or postulates of several provinces or different places of Ecuador participate answering several questions as well as passing different tests throughout the competition being thus the final chosen by judges appointed the winner that will represent the crown of Qutio a year to be able to give the mandate of Queen of Quito.
It should also be noted that not only wins the Queen of Quito but there are several recognitions to some of the most outstanding postulates such as winning the award to Miss Fellowship, among others.


 Musical Festival

There are many musical events in these dates such as the competition of bands of peoples, up to competition of war bands of the schools of Quito and other events much more contemporary because they bring foreign singers or that are fashionable for the young people of today. looking for a good time with the music that they like.
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Parade of the Confraternity (AKA "What threw the sea")Mythic celebration part of the parties in Quito that characterizes the entire underground movement of the city. (In this context, it should be understood by members of the "underground" all those who do not have sufficient cache or class to participate in other activities of the Quito parties). Participants of the fellowship parade can usually be classified as follows:Fascists given to Spaniards and Europeans of the pelucones 
Gringos.criollos-chapetones of northern Quito and its problems of identity
Quiteños who feel more gringo than SpaniardsPeriodiqueros of fourth that leave like farandula of the country (poser and figuretis of the TV)Afternoons philosophers, writers of newspapers and vanity magazines such as Vistazo, Cosas, Diners, etc.
Spanish-Creole pseudo that every December 6 are transformed into bullfighting beasts in search of blood and to maintain these "parties" take their side bacán with pose "edzpañolisimo", drinking from the boot "of his masters"
* Members of the Patriotic Society Party
Members of Country Alliance
Colombian special guests
National fans
Dolphin Quishpe
Amahulita de Arahuay
The Conquerors

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In these parades participate schools of quito, which are invited by the government of Quito, here also allegorical cars are presented and among others

 Forty World Championship

The traditional Ecuadorian sport finds the occasion to celebrate its world championship during the capital festivities. Delegations from all over the world fill the hotels in the city to participate in the tournament that is a mass sensation in Ecuador and Tuvalu Ulterior. Being the main objective of this traditional game to reach forty, there is a logical explanation of why only the old decrepit ones in the city center are champions.
The winners of this important tournament receive as a reward the right to occupy the first rank of the rabid mob in the next presidential overthrow, as well as a discount coupon in any fast food network in the city.
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World Championship of Wooden Cars

After the failed Karts track project proposed by Velasco Ibarra, infants from the center decided to improvise and use the local ingenuity to replace the promised vehicles. It is so with the wooden remains of the buildings, some wheels stolen from the supermaxi carts, and other materials, the children of the center meet annually for another ritual of sacrifices of the capital festivities in a frantic and accelerated race in scrap metal self-provided by the slopes of the center of the city. The winner is the one who usually survives the race with the lowest fracture rate. It should be noted that in this race is the "concern" of the parents of pilots between 6 to 10 years, using a protective equipment that at most is a half-use helmet and shredded by the uncle, grandfather, some dude there, who once had a motorcycle, and who has more than that dancing in the head to the poor baby, take crashing speeds, and no matter who crosses the road (the police motorcycle, a neglected sheet out there, the typical open-mouthed, the new noveleros of the television and its "staff") practically "fly" and the best reward is that the car arrives in one piece and of course the pilot.
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 Imagen relacionada
Is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. The Continental Congress declared that the thirteen American colonies regarded themselves as a new nation, the United States of America, and were no longer part of the British Empire.The Congress actually voted to declare independence two days earlier, on July 2.
Independence Day is commonly associated with fireworks, parades, barbecues, carnivals, fairs, picnics, concerts, baseball games, family reunions, and political speeches and ceremonies, in addition to various other public and private events celebrating the history, government, and traditions of the United States. Independence Day is the National Day of the United States.


During this day there are numerous exhibitions and outdoor parades of a markedly patriotic character. Obviously, these exhibitions are accompanied by a series of costumes and representative costumes in which three colors always predominate: red, blue and white.
These colors are those of the American flag and, at the same time, those of the famous Uncle Sam (Uncle Sam), who is the personification of the United States as a nation and, specifically, the Government. This character was created during the First World War and looks like a man of relatively advanced age judging by his white hair and beard, and serious face, as well as a white, blue and red clothing that clearly reminds the US flag .US., Especially for its characteristic high top hat with red and white stripes and a blue band with stars. Many are the ones who on July 4th dress like Uncle Sam or, at least, they wear this hat.

Disfraz de Tío Sam o Uncle Sam 

Rodeos of Bulls

Los estadounidenses celebran el 4 de julio de diferentes formas, según la parte del país donde residen. En Texas adoran una jornada de rodeo, en California las escapadas a las playas pacíficas, las zonas de interior, un buen picnic o barbacoa a base de hamburguesas, costillares o hot dogs.

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Music festivals

Music festivals are much more brutal and are performed throughout the country while the jazz festivals invade Kentucky and the declaration of Independence is read, live, at the Boston City Hall; each place adapts the celebration to your particular vision.


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The highlight of any good 4th of July that boasts is the fireworks. The most prominent place is the Statue of Liberty, on the island of Manhattan, a monument completely related to the sense of independence for Americans, so the fireworks fired in this place takes on a prominent role with more than 22 tons of merchandise pyrotechnic, while other mythical places like Lake Michigan in Chicago, the San Francisco Bay or the Reflective Pool to the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC also let their own fires escape.
 Basically, any celebration of July 4 begins with the deployment of the flag, a visit to the nearest parade followed by any family party or among friends and, as a climax, the forced fireworks.
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 In conclusion, the traditional festivities of Quito and how the Independence Day of the United States is celebrated are not very different, relatively the same things are done but representing each country respectively.
But there is something that stands out in Quito, unlike the US, it does not respect what it is to have the party in peace, a clear example is the fact that the bullfight was withdrawn because it did not respect or take responsibility for what the people were doing, while in the United States it is allowed for their customs and education for their homeland.
So they are not very different parties or celebrations, the only thing that differentiates them are their attitudes, especially their people.

  Imagen relacionadaResultado de imagen para bandera eeuu

Realized by: Bryan Villamar 2º "C"




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